Spread Happiness

We're all in this together, whether you feel it or not, whether you like it or not. In this day and age, love, peace, happiness may seem hard to find, but in reality, little things make us smile every single day.

Tell us your stories. We'd love to hear them. Email us at kaya.ananda@gmail.com and we'll post it on the blog for you.

Let's keep each other inspired, grateful and loved.

Peace :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

happiness = (food) + (kid) x (mess)

My 3-year-old niece.

She makes me laugh at every moment. Whether she is telling me a knock-knock joke, which always involves the caller being [insert random word here] poopie, or she's telling me a story, which always somehow involves creepy things (yes, she's a little bit quirky). She'll call me simply to say hello or ask me if I can sleep over. She's smart, animated, and so freaking cute – she makes every time I spend with her the most awesome day ever.

---cc, new york city

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