Spread Happiness

We're all in this together, whether you feel it or not, whether you like it or not. In this day and age, love, peace, happiness may seem hard to find, but in reality, little things make us smile every single day.

Tell us your stories. We'd love to hear them. Email us at kaya.ananda@gmail.com and we'll post it on the blog for you.

Let's keep each other inspired, grateful and loved.

Peace :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

5 Things - The Easter 2010 Edition

Easter Eggies

Just got back on the grind after an awesome Holy Week vacation at our ancestral home in Zambales with my fam. I know I've said it countless times but God is so good. We are all BLESSED BEYOND BELIEF - real talk! 

Over the Easter break, I got to enjoy a lot of reading, meditating/reflecting, time with my loved ones (young & old), and eating (and eating & more eating). Here's the top 5 things that stuck out through my conversations & my reflecting (not in any order):
  • Being with family is awesome! Late night convos, back-in-the-day reminiscing, teasing lil cousins, re-telling the same ghost stories, & all that good stuff is  really all priceless! It fills up voids inside you that you never knew were empty or even existed. 
  • Don't try to solve life problems, just outgrow them. Don't look at life problems like math equations. Instead of looking for answers to plug in, find a way to outgrow life trials & challenges. All the answers will come at the right time. Just keep an open mind & an open heart. (I remixed words from Dr. Wayne Dyer)
  • Time with Nature heals. The fresh air, the warm ocean water, the dope sunset/sunrise, & just being out in the countryside detoxes your mind, body, & soul! 
  • Bless others to be blessed! When you open your hearts to help others out, multiply blessings will come your way. Try this out: The next time you're having a rough day/going through challenges, bless someone with no anticipation of being paid back. If you do it with your whole heart, it'll trigger a feeling that'll help turn things around for you. We all have trials & issues, just remember, this too shall pass.
  • Love & be loved. I've learned to treasure my time with my family. I've realized that all I really needed was to "Just Be." Just love the people you hold close to your heart & be loved back by them. We all get caught up in a fantasy world, where we think we need to be someone/something we're not and when we do this for years, we start believing that that's who you are when in reality, you're far from the real you. Don't ever forget to keep it real!
My highlight of the weekend was walking through the front door back home with bags hanging off my neck, arms, & fingertips while carrying a big cooler and hearing Kaya tell Sarah "Mom, you're the best Mom in the World!" Then walking over to me & saying, "Dad, You're the best Dad in the World!" Dopeness! 

Let's keep being the best we can be! Here's to new beginnings! 

Kaya & Andre chalkin' it up

Peace & Blessings!
Banj, Man-ILLA

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