Spread Happiness

We're all in this together, whether you feel it or not, whether you like it or not. In this day and age, love, peace, happiness may seem hard to find, but in reality, little things make us smile every single day.

Tell us your stories. We'd love to hear them. Email us at kaya.ananda@gmail.com and we'll post it on the blog for you.

Let's keep each other inspired, grateful and loved.

Peace :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


For me it's really unexpected to meet someone like him, my best friend. *grin*
We've been friends for almost 10 years now. We had our ups and downs but we're strong enough to hold on to our friendship and never let anything break us apart. :)

We don't have a picture that only the two of us in it coz it has always been with our friends. But, in the pictures it's either he's at the back, on the side or in front of me. so would that mean we're inseparable? nah! we don't hang out that much but if we do, it's always fun. he do have his other set of friends and i have mine too. we don't really limit ourselves to just us. we're not committed to each other, you know, so why would we. *lol* Between us two, he's the friendliest. He's too friendly that he often forget about me. :(

But a lot of changes happened last year that make me realized how special i am to him. I was taken for granted a lot of times but there was this one thing he did that make me forget about all the disappointments i had coz of him. :)

We're not that open to each other but we care for each other more than what people know. And i just realize right now that just the thought of not having him as my best friend, make me sad and just the thought of him being a best friend to someone else, make me jealous. i don't want to act selfish but if we're talking about him, that's a different story. *lol*

thank you so much for letting me share this. :)

God Bless!
 -Stephanie Taojo, Manila

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